GPM 450 SA upgrade

GPM 450 SA upgrade

We would like to inform you about upgrade on GPM 450 SA. From summer 2013 all machines will have additional screen with pre-set most common types of folds. The best way how to understand the way this improvement works is to check following video:

Beside that we would like to present you two tools which won't be standard equipment of the machine but will be optional to buy separately:

1. CITO tool - A lot of our customers require thinner creasing channels than what we have used so far. See pictures below. It has three creasing channels, two of them using CITO technology plus one (not visible from the picture) using standard groove in the metal like all previous tools from Cyklos. The fourth side of the bar is flat for perforation. CITO channels are 0,8 and 1,0 mm, the third one is 1,3 mm.

2. Microperforating tool - See also leaflet attached explaining everything.

In case you'd like to order and try some of these tools, let us know, always include the manufacturing number which you can see in the leaflet.

We hope you'll find all these modifications useful.

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