CITO tool for GPM 450 SA
We would like to inform you about improvement of our most popular machine GPM 450 SA. Since September 2014 we offer creasing tool with CITO technology as standard equipment. Crease made into rubber channel from German manufacturer CITO are better quality than previous grooves made directly into square metal bar. The difference is particularly significant for lower grammages, the crease is narrower, finer and with better shape of profile.
There are channels for CITO rubbers to be glued in on two sides of metal bar. On third side remains groove directly in the bar (for creasing of thicker paper), fourth side is flat for perforation. Lifespan of CITO rubber defines manufacturer as 200 000 strokes. The exchange is very easy.
We recommend following use:
CITO 1,0 mm - paper thickness < 0,2 mm
(recommended 80 - 150 gsm)
CITO 1,4 mm - paper thickness 0,2 - 0,4 mm
(recommended 160 - 250 gsm)
iron channel 1,6 mm - paper thickness 0,4 - 0,5 mm
(recommended 250 - 400 gsm)
Note.: Please read the operating instructions before first use!